The rules and regulations set by a college are designed to maintain order and create a conducive environment for education. These rules are crafted by the management and principal of the institution to address various aspects of campus life, from academic conduct to student behavior.

i] Discipline: All the students are expected to maintain strict discipline within and outside the classrooms, computer labs  and library to observe the rules prescribed from time to time, they are also expected to show politeness and courtesy of speech, as well as observe groomed attire. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct within or outside the institution on the part of student would make him/her liable for disciplinary action.

ii] Dress and Appearance: Students are expected to adhere to a formal dress code as mandated by the institution. Students with any un-desired hair style or dressing style, which is considered not in formal attire, are not allowed to enter the premises or remain in the campus.

iii] Disturbance by irrational playing of instruments: The use of radios, transistors, tape recorders, mobile phones, and musical instruments is not allowed in campus. This rule aims to prevent any noise disturbances that could disrupt academic and other activities.

 iv] Smoking Prohibition: Smoking is strictly prohibited in the class rooms and college premises.

v] Institution Property:  Severe penalty will be imposed when a student is found mishandling furniture or equipment, writing on walls or causing damage to the building or property of the institution.

vi] Breach of Discipline: Any student who is persistently insubordinate of repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with the examination or has committed any act of serious indiscipline or misbehavior or who, in the opinion of the Director has adverse influence on his fellow students may be expelled permanently or removed from the rolls for a specified period by the Head of Institution.

vii] Identity Cards: Immediately after enrolment students should furnish three passport size photographs {6 cm x5 cm] of front pose, one of which will be used on identity card. The identity card should be kept with the student and should be produced whenever demanded. A fee of Rs. 100/ will be charged for issue of duplicate card.

viii] Attendance: Students must attend all classes, tutorials, and practical sessions as per the schedule. Attendance is required on all working days of the institution. Minimum 75% attendance is required. Failure to meet the attendance requirements will result in detention from appearing in examinations. Submission of medical certificates or other documents will not be accepted to compensate for attendance shortages.

 ix] Forming Association: No Society or association may be formed nor any union be made in the Institution without the prior permissions of the Director.

x] Invitation to Outsiders: No one shall be invited to enter the campus or address the students without prior permission from Director & Management.

Rules for Discipline and code of conduct

  1. Students should abide by guidelines issued by the Director from time to time.
  2. Regular attendance at classes is mandatory. Strict action will be taken against those failing to do so.
  3. On campus, students should carry their identity card at all times and produce it on demand by college authority.
  4. Submission of project and assignments is compulsory, non-submission of Projects and assignment are subject to penalty.
  5. If the students are found to be lagging behind in certain subjects, they will have to attend tutorial classes as notified and strive to make the required program and come at par with other students.
  6. Student should read the notice displayed on the college notice board regularly.
  7. Students found guilty of misconduct or indiscipline shall be subjected to serious action and may be expelled from the college.
  8. The rules for discipline and code of conduct may undergo modification, addition, omission or alteration as the principal deems fit and proper. In this regard the decision of the Director & Management is final and binding.


Action against Ragging

RGCMS strictly complies with all the directions of the AICTE notification regarding Regulations for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions vide No. 37-3/ Legal/ AICTE/ 2009 dated 01.07.2009 based on the powers granted to AICTE by Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16- 05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009, to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 read with Section 10 (b), (g), (p) and (g) of AICTE Act, 1987.

Any ragging activity found in side the campus, college will take the strict disciplinary action.

  1. Rules for library   

General Rules:

  • Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library.
  • Silence to be maintained.
  • No discussion permitted inside the library.
  • Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources.
  • No personal belongings allowed inside the library.
  • Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library.
  • Using of Mobile phone and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Entry in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering the library is mandatory.
  • Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
  • The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  • Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
  • Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises.