Academics being a top priority RGCMS; our primary objective is to ensure quality education at all times. Our academics thrive on the concept of Outcome Based Education (OBE).
Keeping this point in view, a centralized Academic Planning and Review Committee (APRC) is formed in the institute. APRC is responsible for drafting, regulating and implementing different academic policies and is meant for smooth & uniform conduction of academics throughout the institute to excel in university results and to develop the students into competent graduate executives/ managers.

1. Outcome Based Learning

With adaptation of OBE, the curriculum dynamically adapts to the requirements of the different stakeholders like Students, Parents, Industry Personnel and Recruiters. OBE is all about feedback and outcomes. The four levels of Outcomes that the Institute thrives to achieve from OBE are:

  • Course Outcomes (COs) – Outcome statements describe of what a student should know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of each aligned course under the program.
  • Program Outcomes (POs) – Outcome statements describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of the program. POs are to be in line with the graduate attributes as prescribed by the NBA.
  • Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) – Outcome statements describe what the graduates of a specific management program should be able to do at the end of the program.
  • Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) – Outcome statements are about professional and career accomplishment after 4 to 5 years of graduation. PEOs are statements that capture a graduate’s developing essence from different perspectives like Career, Technical Competency and Behavior.

2. CO-PO Course Articulation Matrix Mapping & Blooms Taxonomy

  • Course Articulation Matrix – shows the educational relationship ie. (level of learning achieved ) between Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes for a Course. This matrix strongly indicates whether the students are able to achieve the course learning objectives. The matrix can be used for any course and is a good way to evaluate a course syllabus.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy – The below table showcases revised information about the Levels of Knowledge Cognitions used to frame using respective action verbs in the framing of Course Outcomes and depicting the nature; stating whether the COs are theory or application based, technical or non-technical. This helps our faculty members to understand the intention of each COs and the Bloom’s level to which each of these action verbs in the COs correlates to. Only after clear understanding of a subject, faculty writes the Course Outcomes for respective subjects.

3. Advanced Learner / Slow Learner

At RGCMS, we focus on classification of students as Advanced Learners & Slow Learners. This aims to achieve a better learning experience for different students.

All respective course faculties conduct (BASIT) Basic Aptitude & Subject Intelligence test, Include Teachers Observation & First Subject evaluation test to calculate scores & understand Advanced & slow learners in a particular class.

This classification helps each course faculty in revising their course lesson plans i.e. revise framing of cognition level to attain course outcomes through course content delivery.

The classified Slow learners for particular subjects are then availed of mandated tutorial sessions apart from regular lecture sessions for better understanding, grasping & application of the subject concepts.

Whereas the classified Advanced learners for a particular subject are given advanced assignment/ live projects for better exposure to the applicability, creativity & innovation related to the subject concepts. They are also encouraged to participate at intercollegiate level curricular events such as research publication, conferences, entrepreneurship exploration, etc.

4. Assessment Process

  • Evaluation scheme (Internal / External) – All assessment criteria are mapped with Course Outcomes of respective subjects whether they are a part of Internal or External Assessment.
  • Internal Assessment criteria carry a total of 40/100 marks for each subject. The University prescribed syllabus avails different criteria each carrying 10 marks for assessment such as Attendance (Mandate), Class Tests, Assignment, Group Presentation/ Role-plays/ Orals/Case Study (Rubrics).
  • External Assessment criteria carry a total of 60/100 marks for each subject. Question Papers are mapped with Course Outcomes of respective subjects. Subject wise Evaluation schemes are prepared by faculty members for better Assessment Evaluation.
  • Course Outcomes Attainment Direct CO Attainment is achieved for every course by mapping all assessment questions whether a part of Internal or External examination. Indirect CO Attainment is achieved for every course by asking course outcome-based questions in respective Course exit survey.
  • Program Outcomes Attainment For a batch Direct PO Attainment is calculated by consolidating PO Attainments for all respective courses. Indirect PO Attainment is calculated by consolidating PO Attainments for all Co-curriculum & Extracurricular activities namely Training, Webinar, Add on Courses, Industrial Visits, Cultural Event, etc.