Governing Body (GB) / Board of Governance
College Development Committee (CDC)
Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)
Academic Planning & Review Committee (APRC)
Women’s Development Cell / Women’s Grievance cell
Student Grievances Redressal Cell (SGRC)
Grievance Redressal Committee / Redressal Cell (GRC)
Governing Body (GB) / Board of Governance
- Overview
The main goal of the above Governing Body is to put on record the structure and practices for governance that results in efficient functioning in providing benefits and satisfaction to all stakeholders and thus leading to overall quality enhancements. Some indicative benefits are process documentation and good governance practices. The Governing Body is collectively responsible for overseeing the institution’s activities, determining its future direction and fostering an environment in which institutional Vision and Mission is achieved. - Members
Sr. No. Name Position 1 Hon. Shri. V. M. Jadhav Chairman 2 Mrs. Ashvini Jadhav Trust Nominee 3 Mr. Sunil Jadhav Trust Nominee 4 Mrs. Sharmishtha Jadhav Educationist 5 Mr. Kaustubh Gokhale Industrialist 6 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Member Secretary 7 Dr. Radhika Wadhera Faculty Member 8 Ms.Farheen Ahmad Faculty Member 9 ——- University of Mumbai Nominee 10 Dr. Abhay Wagh DTE/State Govt. Nominee (Ex-Officio) 11 Dr. Ajeet Singh AICTE Nominee (Ex-Officio) - Governing Body MOM
GB MOM 2024-2025
GB MOM 2023-2024
GB MOM 2022-2023
GB MOM 2021-2022
College Development Committee (CDC)
- Overview
The main goal of the College Development Committee is to prepare an overall comprehensive plan of the college on an annual basis like Academics, Placements, Infrastructure, Administrative and Admission Growth. CDC is pro-actively involved in tracking all activities beneficial for the institution. - Members
Sr. No. Name Designation 1 Mrs. Ashvini Jadhav Chairperson Nominee (Ex-Officio) 2 Mr. Sunil Jadhav Secretary Nominee 3 Mr. Vitthalrao Jadhav Educationist 4 Mrs. Sharmishtha Jadhav Educationist 5 Mr. Kaustubh Gokhale Educationist 6 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane I/C Director
Member Secretary
7 Dr. Radhika Wadhera IQAC Coordinator 8 Ms. Farheen Ahmad Faculty Member 9 Mr. V. P. Patil Member (Teacher’s Representative) 10 Dr. Sunil Chavan Member (Teacher’s Representative) 11 Mrs. Jyotika Pawar Member (Non-Teaching Representative) - CDC MOM
CDC MOM 2024-2025
CDC MOM 2023-2024
CDC MOM 2022-2023
CDC MOM 2021-2022
Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)
IQAC 2024-25
IQAC 2023-24
IQAC 2022-23
IQAC 2021-22 - Overview
IQAC is constituted to develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and catalytic programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the College and promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internationalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices. - Objectives
- To facilitate the integration of the various activities of the institution and institutionalize the best practices.
- To provide a sound basis for decision making, imbibing all the dimensions of service quality to improve institutional functioning.
- To ensure credibility of assessment and evaluation process
- To ensure internalization of the quality culture
- To act as a dynamic system for quality changes in the Colleges
- Functions
- Ensure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks
- Ensure relevant and quality academic Programmes;
- Ensure relevant and quality research Programmes;
- Provide equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society;
- Optimize and integrate of modern methods of teaching and learning;
- Ensure the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services
- Share of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
- Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Colleges.
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process
- Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality related institutional processes;
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders (student, parent, industry, alumni, staff);
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
- Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Members Sr. No. Name Designation 1 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairperson 2 Dr. Radhika Wadhera Member (Coordinator) 3 Ms. Ashvini Jadhav Member (Management Representative) 4 Mr. Sunil Jadhav Member (Management Representative) 5 Mr. Mahesh Munde Industry Expert 6 Dr. Farheen Ahmad Member (Faculty Representative) 7 Ms. Divya Mahadule Member (Faculty Representative) 8 Dr. Arshi Siddiqui Member (Faculty Representative) 9 Ms. Jyotika Pawar Member (Non-Teaching Representative) 10 Mr. Hemaraj Pomendkar Laboratory Assistant 11 Mr. Pratik Dhepe Library representative 12 Ms. Asha Kamble Member (Non-Teaching Representative) 13 Mr. Shyamsundar Pawar Local representative 14 Ms. Pranali Pawar Student Representative Batch (2023-2025) 15 Mr. Shubham Pawar Alumni Representative 16 Mr. Vishwajeet Jadhav Alumni Representative
Academic Planning & Review Committee (APRC)
- Overview
Academics is of utmost priority of any educational institute. Keeping this point in view, a centralized Academic Planning and Review Committee (APRC) is formed in the institute. The primary objective of the committee is to ensure quality academics in the institute. APRC is responsible for drafting, regulating and implementing different academic policies and is meant for smooth & uniform conduction of academics throughout the institute to excel in university results and to develop the students into competent graduate Executives/Managers. The role of Academic planning and Review committee includes semester planning, execution and mentoring of academic activities. - Objectives
- To ensure that all faculty members have done proper planning before the start of semester for conduction of lectures and activities. (eg: Course plan, timetable – lectures, assignment, expert lectures etc)
- To ensure that effective teaching – learning is taking place throughout the semester.
- To ensure that effective continuous assessment and evaluation is taking place to support teaching – learning.
- To ensure that slow learners and advanced learners are taken care of as per their needs.
- To ensure that students are mentored for academic as well as personality development.
- To ensure the attainment of course outcomes and eventually the program outcomes.
- To provide required support for IQAC and / or Other committees
- Functions
- To ensure that all faculty members have done proper planning before the start of semester for conduction of lectures and activities. (eg: Course plan, timetable – lectures, assignment, expert lectures etc)
- To ensure that effective teaching – learning is taking place throughout the semester.
- To ensure that effective continuous assessment and evaluation is taking place to support teaching – learning.
- To ensure that slow learners and advanced learners are taken care as per their needs.
- To ensure that students are mentored for academic as well as personality development.
- To ensure the attainment of course outcomes and eventually the program outcomes.
- To provide required support for IQAC and / or Other committees
1 APRC MINUTES 24-25 1 APRC MINUTES 23-24 2 APRC MINUTES 22-23 3 APRC MINUTES 21-22 - Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
Academic Planning & Review Committee 1 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairperson 2 Dr. Farheen Ahmad Coordinator 3 Ms. Divya Mahadule Co-Coordinator 4 Dr. Radhika Wadhera Member (Faculty Representative) 5 Dr. Arshi Siddiqui Member (Faculty Representative) 6 Dr. Puja Kaushik Member (Faculty Representative) 7 Ms. Chahat Hargunani Member (Faculty Representative) 8 Ms. Shravanti Hable Member (Faculty Representative) 9 Mr. Atul Mumbarkar Member (Faculty Representative) 10 Ms.Ashvini Jadhav Member (Faculty Representative) 11 Mr. Abhishek Naik Member (Faculty Representative) 12 Mr. Sunil Ghangurde Member (Industry Representative) 13 Mr. Sunil kumar Sharma Member (Industry Representative) 14 Mr. Kulvinder Singh Member (Alumni -Industry Representative) 15 Ms. Pranali Pawar (SYMMS Class Representative)
Women’s Development Cell / Women’s Grievance cell
- Overview
The committee is responsible for prevent sexual harassment at college and to promote general well-being of female students teaching and non-teaching women staff on the campus. The cell is also responsible to undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment in campus. - Objectives
- To create awareness of sexual harassment through guest lectures.
- To ensure protection of girls/women from sexual harassment studying/working in the premises.
- To address the cases of sexual harassment if any & resolve issues through ICC.
- To organize workshops, seminars and talks to convey the message of Gender Equality (Gender Sensitization Workshops).
- To organize gender awareness through posters/slogans/essay competition/screening of films/street plays.
- To organize the programs with other associations of the college such as Students council, Cultural Association, etc
- Functions
- To process all the individual complaints concerning sexual harassment that may be received from any person and take suitable action thereon in the manner and mode more particularly set out hereinafter. In case of the complaint against the Principal / member of the Management the CWDC shall direct the complainant to approach the UWDC for redressal of grievances.
- To ensure implementation of these directives in the college.
- To depute members of the CWDC to attend and participate in the workshops and training programs that may be arranged by the University Cell for members of CWDC of colleges in connection with these directives.
- To implement the programs for the spread of awareness of these directives as may be formulated by the UWDC.
- To arrange to distribute all the publications of the University Cell concerning these directives amongst the teacher, non-teaching employees and students.
- To exercise such powers and perform such other functions as may be conferred imposed on it by/under these directions.
- To do all such acts and things as may become necessary to carry out the purpose of these directives.
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
Women Development Committee Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairperson Dr. Farheen Ahmad Member (Coordinator) Dr. Radhika Wadhera Member (Faculty Representative) Ms. Ashvini Jadhav Member (Faculty Representative) Ms. Shravanti Hable Member (Faculty Representative) – reserved category Mrs. Jyotika Pawar Member (Non-teaching Representative) Ms. Vrushali Magdum NGO Representative Ms. Aishwarya Zanjale (Lady student Representative) Mr. Bapurao Takale Student Representative – reserved category
Anti Ragging Committee
- Overview
RGCMS always ensures to provide a conducive, safe and secured environment to students where Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited.
RGCMS strictly complies with all the directions of the AICTE notification regarding Regulations for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions vide No. 37-3/ Legal/ AICTE/ 2009 dated 01.07.2009 based on the powers granted to AICTE by Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009, to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 read with Section 10 (b), (g), (p) and (g) of AICTE Act, 1987 - Objectives
- To provide safe and secured environment for students in RGCMS
- To prohibit, prevent and eliminate ragging in all its forms
- To build effective mechanism to deal with ragging
- To take effective measures to deal with ragging or related activities
- Functions
The committee will decide and finalize Anti Ragging Regulations for the institution, in accordance with the prevailing regulations of various statutory bodies.- To conduct Anti Ragging Committee meeting every semester, or in case of any compliant registers as and when basis.
- The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad and its recommendations, award punishment appropriately
- To ensure submission of undertaking in the prescribed format from the candidate and parent concerned on anti- ragging at the time of admission.
- To familiarize parents, guardians of the students regarding anti ragging policies of the institute at the time of student orientation and PTA meetings.
- To suggest measures to tighten vigil against any act which constitutes ragging.
- To make sure that all students, parents and staff members of the institute are aware of the anti-ragging policy of institute by publishing it on notice board, brochure, website, etc.
- In coordination with infrastructure committee, make sure that CC TV cameras are set up vital points.
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
Anti Ragging Committee Members Name Designation Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairman Ms. Sameen Shaikh Member (Coordinator) Ms. Shravanti Hable Member (Faculty Representative) Mr. Suyash Bhosale Member (Student Representative) Ms. Manisha Patil Member (Student Representative) API Rabale Police Station Representative Civil and Police Administration Mr. Chavan Waman Ananda Representative of Local Media - Form
SC/ST Committee
- Overview
SC/ST Committee at RGCMS is constituted as per the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, No. 33 of 1989, dated 11.09.1989. - Objectives
The objective of SC/ST Committee is to ensure equality among all staff and students by counselling and sensitizing the stakeholders to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the State/Central Government. - Functions
- To counsel SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues.
- To maintain a conducive environment for SC/ST students and staff so that they feel safe and secure.
- To provide counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event in the campus.
- To provide a mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students and staff, if any.
- To inform SC/ST students regarding various scholarships programs of State Govt. and UGC.
- To communicate with students and motivate them for better future planning.
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
SC/ST Committee Members Name Designation Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairman Ms. Shravanti Hable Coordinator Mrs. Jyotika Pawar Member (Administrative Representative) Mr. Bapurao Takale Member (Student Representative) Mr. Sandeep Virkar Member (Student Representative) - Form
Student Grievances Redressal Cell (SGRC)
- Overview
Student / College Grievance Redressal Cell is formed to address all student related grievances as per the AICTE Clause 1 of section 23, Act 1987 (52 of 1987), Establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 and University of Mumbai Circular No. DSD/05/ of 2019 dated May 14, 2019 which also refers to Maharashtra Government Resolution Dated Feb 27, 2019.
The roles, responsibilities and composition of this committee will be revised as and when regulatory authorities review their guidelines.
The Committee is referred to as Student Grievances Redressal Cell (SGRC) as per notification issued by AICTE and College Grievances Redressal Cell (CGRC) as per circular of University of Mumbai. However, composition, roles and responsibilities are very similar.
At RGCMS, this committee will be referred to as Student Grievances Redressal cell (SGRC).
All grievances of students relating to College/Institution shall first be addressed to Student (College) Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC) to be constituted at the level of College/Institution: - Objectives
- To prevent unfair practices and to provide a mechanism to innocent students for redressal of their grievances regarding imparting education and admission.
- Functions
- The SGRC shall exercise the following role and perform the following functions, namely
- To address and process applications with necessary documentation related to grievances of students received from the portal available on college website.
- To maintain and update grievances portal with help of website committee on the college website and give it wide publicity to each staff and students (ex: notice board, Prospectus, website)
- To hear and settle grievances raised by students in accordance to published notification time to time.
- The committee shall resolve the grievance of the complainant student by giving an opportunity of hearing to all the concerned parties and following principles of natural justice
- The SGRC shall not discuss any sub-judice matters.
- To prepare and submit the recommendations relating to the redressal of grievances to the concerned authorities.
- To consider and submit recommendations and suggestion in respect of reforms in the working of various sections/units/departments/cells of the College/Institution relating to the redressal of grievances of students.
- To prepare and present Annual Report regarding working of the SGRC.
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
SGRC Committee Sr. No Name Designation 1 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Chairman 2 Dr. Deepika Jindoliya Member (Coordinator) 3 Dr. Farheen Ahmad Faculty Representative 4 Mr. Abhishek Naik Faculty Representative 5 Mr. Shashank Parab Student Representative 6 Ms. Shraddha Tate Student Representative - Form
Finance Committee
Dr. Dinesh Gabhane | Director (Chairman) |
Ms. Ashvini Jadhav | Nominated by Governing Body |
Ms. Asha Kamble | Finance Officer |
Dr. Radhika Wadhera | Senior member (Faculty) |
Internal Complaint Cell (ICC) / Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
- Overview
RGCMS Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) has been set up with the responsibility to prevent sexual harassment of women employees and students and redress grievances as per “Gender Sensitization, Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions (All India Council for Technical Education Regulations, 2016)” - Objectives
- To Prevent and communicate guidelines and policies through WDC for not only safe place but preferred place to work for women.
- To conduct various programs for women on creating awareness about their rights at work place
- To make handle and process the complaints if any according to guidelines
- Functions
- Work in close collaboration with Women’s Development Committee
- Publicly notify the provisions against sexual harassment and ensure their wide dissemination
- Include in its Web Site, prospectus and display prominently at conspicuous places or Notice Boards the penalty and consequences of sexual harassment and make all sections of the institutional community aware of the information on the mechanism put in place for redressal of complaints pertaining to sexual harassment,
contact details of members of Internal Complaints Committee, complaints procedure and so on - Organise Training Programmes or as the case may be, workshops for the officers, functionaries, faculty and students, to sensitize them and ensure knowledge and awareness of the rights,
entitlements and responsibilities enshrined in the Act and under these regulations - Organise regular orientation or training Programmes for the members of the ICC to deal with complaints, steer the process of settlement or conciliation, etc., with sensitivity
- To update and review inbuilt mechanism for gender sensitization against sexual harassment from time to time.
- Act decisively against all gender based violence perpetrated against employees and students of all sexes recognising that primarily women employees and students and some male students and students of the third gender are vulnerable to many forms of sexual harassment and humiliation and exploitation
- Work in close collaboration with Women’s Development Committee
- Composition (A.Y. 2024-2025)
Internal Complaint Cell (ICC) Members Sr. No. Name Designation 1. Dr. Radhika Wadhera Chairperson 2. Dr. Farheen Ahmad Member (Faculty Representative) 3. Dr. Puja Kaushik Member (Faculty Representative) 4. Mr. Prateek Dhepe Member (Non-Teaching Representative) 5. Ms. Jyotika Pawar Member (Non-Teaching Representative) 6. Ms. Kajal Misal Member (Advocate) 7. Gauri Bhundere Member (Student Representative) 8. Shreyas Sawant Member (Student Representative) - Form
RTI Committee Details
Name of Appellant Officer (RTI Act 2005) | |
Name | Dr. Dinesh Gabhane |
Designation | Director |
Qualification | Ph. D. |
Mobile No. | 8976583396 |
E-mail Id | Director |
Name of RTI Officer (RTI Act 2005) | |
Name | Ms. Jyotika Pawar |
Designation | Office Superintendent |
Qualification | B.A. |
Mobile No. | 9867503767 |
E-mail Id | |
Name of Public Information Officer (RTI Act 2005) | |
Name | Dr. Farheen Ahmad |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Qualification | Ph. D. |
Mobile No. | 9930420838 |
E-mail Id | |
RTI Committee
Right to Information (RTI) Members | ||
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr. Dinesh Gabhane | Appellate Authority |
2. | Ms. Jyotika Pawar | Public Authority |
3. | Dr. Farheen Ahmad | Public Information officer |
Equal Opportunity Cell
Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) Members | ||
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr. Dinesh Gabhane | Director |
2. | Dr. Radhika Wadhera | Member (Faculty Female Representative) |
3. | Dr. Farheen Ahmad | Member (Faculty Female Representative) |
4. | Mr. Kiran Jadhav | Member (NGO) |
5. | Mr. Prateek Dhepe | Member (Staff Male Representative) |
6. | Kavita Patil | Member (Student Female Representative) |
7. | Shreyas Sawant | Member (Student Male Representative) |
Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)
- Overview
In order to provide opportunities for redressal of certain grievances of students already enrolled in any institution, as well as for those seeking admission to such institutions, AICTE has notified All India Council for Technical Education (Redressal of Grievance of Students) Regulation, 2019 vide F.No.1- 101/PGRC/AICTE/Regulation/2019 dated 07.11.2019 for establishment of grievance redressal mechanism for all AICTE approved
Technical Institutions. Non-compliance of the above Regulations shall call for punitive action.
Guidelines for Establishment of Grievance Redressal Mechanism for students and faculty.
Refer: Redressal of Grievance of Students Regulation, 2019 vide F.No.1-101/PGRC/AICTE / Regulation / 2019 dated 07.11.2019.
It is mandatory for all Technical Institutions to address the grievances of faculty/staff members including service matters at the Institution level itself. A Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) for faculty/staff members shall be constituted by each Institution to look into the grievances of the faculty/staff members.
The composition of the GRC shall be as follows:
- Principal of the Institution as Chairperson
- One Senior Professor of the affiliating University as a Member
- One official from University or State DTE (Directorate of Technical Education) (to be nominated by DTE/University Vice Chancellor) as a Member
- One Senior Faculty (not below Associate Professor) as Member.
- A complaint from an aggrieved faculty/staff member relating to the institution shall be addressed to the Chairperson, Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC).
- The GRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any, to the concerned DTE or University and a copy thereof to the aggrieved faculty/staff member, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
iii. In case faculty/staff is not satisfied with the decision of Grievance Redressal Committee, they may appeal to the concerned affiliating University/State DTE (in case of diploma institute) for redressal of their grievance.
The University level or DTE level Grievance Redressal Cell established by the University or DTE shall address such grievances and settle the matter at State/University level.
An Institution shall furnish, prominently, on its website, all relevant information in respect of the Grievance Redressal Committee(s) coming under its purview.
- Members
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Description |
1 | Dr. Dinesh Gabhane | Chairperson | Director |
2 | Dr. Govind Shinde | Member | Member (Senior Professor of Mumbai University) |
3 | Dr. C. Babu | Member | Member (Official from University nominated by University Vice Chancellor.) |
4 | Dr. Radhika Wadhera | Member | Member (Senior Faculty) |