Governing Body (GB) / Board of Governance

  1. Overview
    The main goal of the above Governing Body is to put on record the structure and practices for governance that results in efficient functioning in providing benefits and satisfaction to all stakeholders and thus leading to overall quality enhancements. Some indicative benefits are process documentation and good governance practices. The Governing Body is collectively responsible for overseeing the institution’s activities, determining its future direction and fostering an environment in which institutional Vision and Mission is achieved.
  2. Members
    Sr. No. Name Position
    1 Hon. Shri. V. M. Jadhav Chairman
    2 Mrs. Ashvini Jadhav Trust Nominee
    3 Mr. Sunil Jadhav Trust Nominee
    4 Mrs. Sharmishtha Jadhav Educationist
    5 Mr. Kaustubh Gokhale Industrialist
    6 Dr. Dinesh Gabhane Member Secretary
    7 Dr. Radhika Wadhera Faculty Member
    8 Ms.Farheen Ahmad Faculty Member
    9 ——- University of Mumbai Nominee
    10 Dr. Abhay Wagh DTE/State Govt. Nominee (Ex-Officio)
    11 Dr. Ajeet Singh AICTE Nominee (Ex-Officio)
  3. Governing Body MOM
    GB MOM 2024-2025
    GB MOM 2023-2024
    GB MOM 2022-2023
    GB MOM 2021-2022